11/22-26 Fisher Road, Dee Why

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| Internal area of 103m2 | Professional ground floor suites | THINK Creative Business | THINK Beauty Professional | THINK Office HQ | Partitioning can be removed... | .... for one big open space | Private bathroom within suite | Private kitchenette/lunchroom | Multiple basins throughout | Additional bathrooms & showers in complex | Plenty of storage | Immaculately presented | Quiet position at rear of complex | Opens to all weather courtyard | Ducted air-conditioning | Disabled access | 2 basement car spaces | Visitor parking in complex | Additional parking in nearby council carparks | Zoned MU: Mixed Use | Busy Pittwater Rd only 100m away | B-line stop only 150m away | Access to loading area | Inspect today!!! "All information contained herein is provided by third party sources including but not limited to the owners/developers, valuers and solicitors. Consequently we cannot guarantee its accuracy. All monies in question are to be assumed + GST + outgoings unless advised otherwise by the Agent. Any person using this information should rely on their own enquiries and verify all relevant details for their accuracy, effect and currency."